My Mission is to help Women Entrepreneurs clear anything that stands in the way to them becoming Wildly Successful and earning more, taking their income to the next level, having more freedom and making a meaningful Impact with their own Businesses and Communities

Female Entrepreneur Since 1996

I started my first Business when I was 17 years old!  I couldn't wait to be my own Boss and I have worked for myself ever since.  My clients have ranged from A-List celebs to some of the biggest Gaming companies on the planet!

Own Multiple Business's online & Offline

I run multiple businesses, Brick & mortar Local businesses, a National Business, an International Business and a Coaching Business serving women worldwide.

Mum of 3 Boys!  Wife, daughter and Bossy Sister to 3 Siblings

Yes!  3 boys+Husband = lots of boyness in my house.  Football, Rugby, Gaming, adventure and Sports.  Luckily for me, they allow me to Glitterfy most things and add a bit (ok a lot) of sparkle here and there.

Business Mindset Coach to Women Entrepreneurs

I love serving my clients and helping them become Wildly Successful Women Entrepreneurs so they can earn more, take their income to the next level, skyrocket their business, have more freedom and make a meaningful impact in all that they do.

Helping Women Entrepreneurs to Become Wildly Successful

 Empowerment * Entrepreneurship * Mindset 

My Mission is to help you as a Women Entrepreneur clear anything that stands in your way to becoming Wildly Successful and earning more, taking your income to the next level, skyrocketing your business, having more freedom and making a meaningful Impact with your own Clients and the communities you serve.
To help you put yourself and your services out there, for you to charge your worth, for you to shine brightly, boldly and confidently, for you to be able to take the inspired action that you know will move your business forward, that will transform your life and the people you love
A true Wildly successful Women Entrepreneur isn't someone who sacrifices her family for work, burns herself out, works to prove her worth, works harder because she thinks people will respect her more, never rests, is scared to set new goals because she is so afraid of being disappointed again, of failing again.
She knows she is the most valuable asset in her business, her brain, her mind, her energy, her soul, those are the things she needs to take care of, she removes the baggage that doesn't serve her, heals the wounds that
are holding her back, so she can skyrocket her income, shine brightly, take massive action
and impact all the people she serves in her own business.
She steps into the positively powerful Wildly successful Women Entrepreneur she truly is and was truly meant to be,  
She believes nothing is impossible, she has the inner power to do anything she wants to do and she knows it's an inside job, she is her businesses biggest asset so if she transforms her Mindset - she will transform her life. 
she knows her thoughts are creative, what she feels she attracts and what she imagine she becomes
She is a Wildly Successful Women Entrepreneur

My mission is to help you become an unstoppable Wildly Successful Women Entrepreneur!
Love Lisa xxx

How I become A Business Mindset and Money Mindset Coach?...

If you want the longer version of my story...here you go...

In 2015 I was totally oblivious to any type of blocks I might have in any area of my life. 

I had never heard of Money blocks or Business Blocks, Law of attraction, Universal laws, never heard of Louise Hay, EFT, Tapping, Wallace Wattles, Think and grow rich, none of it was on my radar. 

Instead I self educated myself when it came to Business, I had started my own business as a 17 year old, with a 5k loan, 20 years prior and now was the proud owner of 4 multi six figure businesses, one of which was a million pound adventure park and was doing business internationally with clients all around the world, my clients were A-list movie stars, Huge gaming companies, Theme Parks, Movie premiers, Software companies, TV Shows, life was good. 

I was also a mum of 3 boys, one which was a newborn with a kitted out office which had everything duplicated that I had at home for the baby, Milk machine, cot, jumperoo, baby swings and there I was thinking I was a Wildly successful women entrepreneur, making my way in the world, proud that I could do all this and be a working mum, even with a newborn and be successful UNTIL my world came crashing down on me, and that crashed down fast. I thought I was successful but really my life was falling apart.

You know they say hindsight is a wonderful thing and that it truly is, now as I look back I can see all the pieces to the puzzle, connect all the dots, all the moments that make sense, how it all happened, why I always overworked to the point of exhaustion, never resting, never taking a holiday, but in my office, feeding my baby while doing my infusionsoft campaigns in between international calls, I had no idea what was about to happen to me but what I can tell you is that it ripped my life apart and shattered it to a million pieces that I never thought would ever be able to be pieced together.  

I had experienced many traumas in my life from the age of 4. Life has a way of catching up with you, and it certainly caught up with me but it was my third bout of Birth Trauma that had been the final straw that broke this camels back.. 

Trauma can only stay hidden for so long before it implodes. In December 2015, I was diagnosed with CPTSD and PTSD. Years and years of trauma caught up with me, the trauma that I had tried to outwork so I wouldn't have to think about it, wouldn't have to feel it, wouldn't have to acknowledge it, but it all decided to rear its ugly head all at the same time. I was medicated and my whole life fell apart. 

I went from successful businesswomen to someone who cried all day, screamed nearly all day, couldn't leave her house, was so scared of the outside world that she would scream, cry and shake if she did have to leave her house. 

I was suffering and hurting inside silently. I couldn't go back to my office, my office buildings, my own woodland I couldn't answer the phone, I was petrified of letters, I couldn't open them, the fear was intense, I couldn't cope with anything. I was isolated, alone, scared and having flashbacks every 5 minutes or so. 

Because I thought I was invincible, I built my businesses with no thought about what would happen if I couldn't work!  After all, I had worked in labour, after operations, I didn't think there would ever be a day that I couldn't work. 

I forgot to mention that at this time - I still HAD to work! Sounds crazy right because there is no way anyone in that mental state should ever be working anywhere, let alone be responsible for 4 businesses, but I had no choice. I had financial responsibilities, to 4 businesses, to staff, to bills, to clients, to customers. I had built all my companies to depend on me, the problem with that is if you break, they all break. I literally could not get out of bed and when I did, I was crying the whole time, BUT I had to keep on going, even in my worst moments, which are too unbearable to write about, I had to still keep trooping on, people were relying on me, if didn't perform then the businesses would go downhill fast, I had to keep on making money to keep them afloat until I got better. 

I spent the next 3 years trying to "get better" and fix myself, I realised after a year of it, 3 times a week, therapy just wasn't going to fix me, I was going to be stuck on medication for the rest of my life and it was acceptable at the time, for PTSD to not ever recover. 

Well, me being me wasn't having any of that, in my mind, living with PTSD was not an option, too many people with it don't recover so I started studying the brain and trying to figure out what was actually happening. At this time my businesses were starting to suffer financially, I was petrified to open mail, emails, answer the phone and I needed to get better to fix them. Fear ruled my life, I felt like life what full of obstacles I just couldn't get over.

I then picked up a book that had been sitting there for years, but this day I just started flicking through it, I read something that changed my life - that you have beliefs and belief systems.  I had never heard of this before.  I needed to know more.

From there, I came across the Law of attraction which I had also never had heard about before, Esther and Jerry Hicks, and my mind was blown away, thoughts into things, manifesting what your vibrating, it all started to make sense, so I started studying that, then it was the fight and flight system and the stress response, the central nervous system, the reptilian brain, then trauma and then Louise Hay, Wallace and  Napoleon Hill. 

After all that I knew that trauma memories were on loop and were being triggered which was why I couldn't recover, the only way to stop it was to clear the trauma. When I studied about the fight and flight response and the stress response and started getting into mind body tools like EFT and Matrix that solved mind body issues then I realised I could heal my own PTSD, which I did. 

I used EFT (Tapping) every day to switch my fight and flight off, to overcome fears, to clear resistance in all the areas of my life (which was a lot) heal past wounds, to uncover beliefs that were not serving me, to get rid of trauma for all aspects of my life and it is ongoing work. 

So what then?
You then went back to your 4 businesses and
lived happy, ever after?

NOPE! - I got my life back but I didn't really know who I was, I wasn't so sure I wanted my old life back, I didn't like my life at all. I couldn't even answer the question when I was asked of what are your top 3 wow moments in life were?. Other than my 3 sons being born, I had none, I couldn't think of one thing so far that I have accomplished what I actually wanted or chose to do. I didn't know who I was without all the trauma, the pain, the stress, that had driven me for years.

Overworking had been my coping mechanism since I was 5 years old, I didn't really know who I was supposed to be now. But what I did know was I wasn't meant or destined to be doing a job I hated, I was meant for bigger and brighter things, so I made a choice I would follow my own dreams instead of doing things I didn't want to do, just to keep others happy. 

That is a lot easier to say than do! Consciously I wanted to do my own thing but suddenly I had a load of hidden fears, resistance and so many business blocks and money blocks that were keeping me stuck, paralysed, frozen, in fear that I didn't have before, uh??? I didn't get it, I had spent 3 years recovering from PTSD, how come I can't do what I want to do now? 

Why did I find myself gravitating back to my old ways of doing things, work, work, work, had I not learned the lesson? It just took 3 years to fix myself, why was I doing the same thing again? It was so stupid. Why was I suddenly fearful about money? Why did I not want to be seen? Why was I scared to put myself out there? Why did I suddenly care what other people thought? Why did I feel shame?  Why was I scared of failing and others judging me? Why did going back to my old life seem the answer rather than going forward into the new life I wanted to create?

Some of this stuff was new to me, but some were the same old, same old. Where had this stuff come from?, I wasn't like this before, I would just have an idea and just do it, I was fearless, I was confident, I implemented fast, now I was just going round in circles, not getting anything done, feeling fear, feeling overwhelmed, suffering from crippling self-doubt, not knowing what to do first, worrying I would fail.     

So off I went again to search for the solution to overcoming fears, resistance and blocks in business and I soon realised how there was always a link back to money in some kind of way, so I became obsessed with specifically uncovering and clearing Business Blocks and money blocks!  

I wish I would have just focused on Business and Money blocks in the first place as they show up everything! It had striking similarities to PTSD, stuff that happens to you when your 3 years old can cause blocks that can affect how much you earn in life. Beliefs, Traumas, fears, patterns, your family's beliefs about money, what you observed as a child, it was all there. 

The reason why I overworked, the reasons why I was working whilst I was in labour (yeah I really did do that!), the reasons why I was always striving but never arriving, the reasons why I couldn't allow myself to ever rest, the reasons why I only had 5 days off a year, why I would burn out, why I limited myself, it all came down to Beliefs and blocks. 

On reflection now I can see my PTSD was heavily linked to Beliefs and Blocks, everything I did in my business, the choices I made, the opportunities I missed, all was because of fear and money blocks. If I had known about them and cleared them it would have been easier to recover faster. 

Once I started clearing my own blocks, I realised I was doing a job I hated, I never followed my passion in life, I worked for money, I sacrificed too much for the little I gained, Fear was running my life and I was doing lots of things to keep other people happy which made me really unhappy, so I stopped it. 

I did a complete Pivot, I trained to become an EFT (tapping) practitioner and Matrix re-imprinting practitioner, a business mindset and money mindset coach and then started to live my dream life, doing what I love to do, working with other women entrepreneurs so they could remove anything that stands in their way to becoming a Wildly Successful Women Entrepreneur. 

I'm a certified EFT practitioner and matrix practitioner but my big passion is coaching women on business mindset. I help them earn more money, show up online, shine brightly, overcome their fears, resistance, obstacles and challenges, so they can take massive action and live the life they want to live.  I help them to uplevel their business, to skyrocket their business and grow and scale an online business that is profitable.

I can usually tell within minutes of meeting someone what their Business blocks are and I love empowering women to be Wildly Successful. I make a lot more money than I ever have done, I am happier than I have ever been, I absolutely love what I do, I love the people I work with and I am so grateful and happy that I get to do what I do, every day which is - being me, the real me.  

Know that I believe in you, I believe you can be anything you want to be, nothing is impossible, you have the inner power to do anything you want to do, if I can do it, then you can too. 
If you need any help on your entrepreneurial journey please visit the work with me page

Fun Facts about me...

  •  I love Diamonds, pink and I love glitter!!! 
  • ​ I try and glitterfy everything and everyone.
  •  I have 3 boys (21, 10 and 5) + 1 husband which is way too much boyness in the house!
  •  ​We ski every year and I'm still rubbish, I'm like Bridget Jones in the movie but worse!  
  • ​I love Real Housewives, my 2 favourite's series are real housewives of Atlanta and Real housewives of Potomac!
  • ​I love Blacklist, Blindspot, Greenleaf, Scandal, Silicon Valley and Luther. 
  • ​I love anything Shonda Rhimes,
  • ​I used to want to be an actress or a forensic detective solving crimes.
  • ​I'm the oldest sibling which means I am very bossy but very protective over my family.
  • ​My 3 best friends are My husband, My Mum and my Sister.
  • ​I can write mirror - so weird but I seem to be able to do it, so when you look in the mirror it shows up the right way  
  • ​I have an amazing family that I am very close with, My Mum, Dad & Siblings
  • ​ I like standing in the rain, real fires and warming my bum on the AGA!
  • ​I believe love conquers all
  • ​My Favourite film - Happy Gilmore – tap tap tap it in!
  • ​Love Lady Gaga and Oprah– both are such inspirational women
  • ​Favourite saying - Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the words itself spells – I’m Possible
  • ​Motto I live by – Thoughts are creative. what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become!